
This formula is (Old - New) / Old * 100
- Decimal

New Number

Old Number
Compact ? 
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This formula is Part / Whole * 100

Part Number


Whole Number
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Each =

Each =


This formula is Total / (100 + Rate) * 100
- Rate%


Price is , Tax is


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Daam Al-Arabia


Google Analytics 4 (GA4) 360 License Pricing
Saudi Arabia


Everyone knows that Google Universal Analytics will stop processing data starting on July 1, 2023 (GA360 UA on July 1, 2024) and you must upgrade your UA property to the new version of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) property as soon as possible.
Otherwise, all historical data in that account will be lost shortly after.
GA4 comes in two versions GA4 Standard & GA4 360 see the feature limits of each, and if you want to read the summary we’ve got you covered here GA4 Analytics 360 Property VS Standard Google Analytics 4 Property.
GA4 360 has a significant change to the pricing model compared to the UA GA360. This article will walk you through these changes to help you understand how GA4 360 license is billed.

[GA4] Analytics 360 property VS. a standard Google Analytics 4 property

GA4 Std.

 GA4 is the next generation of Analytics that tracks users' interactions based on events. This gives us the flexibility to unify data across platforms (websites, iOS Apps, and Android Apps) to better understand the customer journey.

GA4 360.

Google Analytics 360 is the enterprise level of GA which provides higher limits for data collection, sampling, reporting, data retention, configurations, and export to BigQuery.

GA4 360.

More Events & Parameters...


Less Sampling  & More API Tokens...


Longer Data Retention


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What’s new with Google Analytics 4?

Daam Al-Arabia

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