Marketing, CRO & Other Services
Google Cloud Platform
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Digital Marketing & SEO That WORKS!
SEO stands for “search engine optimization”, It's a simple term, yet not everyone understands its dimensions! There are many SEO agencies out there, but how many of them optimize your site based on data?
What is Our SEO Framework?
- Business Case: Studying the Objectives and Goals of the website, targeted keywords, and targeted audiences.
- Analysis: Analyze the current situation, the KPIs, technical errors, internal site elements, the UI-UX situation, website visits, and SWOT Analysis.
- Recommend: Give Recommendations and suggestions and solutions for issues and bugs, and keep recommending to enhance strengths and maintain optimization.
- Validate: Always support and keep checking the proper deployment of our recommendations.
- Monitor: Creating a dashboard to keep monitoring optimization and recommendations deployment and ensure solving previous issues and measuring monthly progress.
Report: Create periodic reports to clarify the changes on the website performance whether it happened because of our recommendations or because of Search engines algorithms changes and even if it happened because of changes in the structure of the website itself.
Let us help you! We're Marketing professionals.
Competitor Analysis - Web Price Scraping - Price Monitoring Intelligence
Build your competitive strategy and find your competitive advantage
With so many different e-commerce retailers in the Saudi Arabia market, and new ones popping out almost every month, it’s getting harder and harder to monitor and track their prices to keep up.
Consult an expert NOW!Read more: Competitor Analysis - Price Monitoring Intelligence - Web Price Scraping
Web & App Conversion Rate Optimization
Same Marketing Budget but More Conversions!
Maximize the profits by converting more people on your website/app. With our Conversion Rate Optimization, you will engage, convert, & retain visitors to boost your revenue with the next-gen customer data and experience platform for businesses.
Using smart segments & personalized engagement campaigns you have the power to create shopping experiences that win customers for life.
Make Your Website & App Experiences Tailored To Your Customers’ Needs.
How Can We Help You?
Daam Al-Arabia provides a platform that blends reliability, intelligence, and simplicity. We adopted the Best-In-Class Marketing Automation & Personalization tool in the market to enable us to develop a growth strategy, Collect accurate data, Integrate with 3rd parties, Design different journeys, and Launch engaging campaigns.
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